Editing Projects
What follows is a selection of academic projects where Summer worked as the developmental editor. The asterisk (*) denotes a project done for Ideas on Fire.
A Political Education: Black Politics and Education Reform in Chicago since the 1960s by Elizabeth Todd-Breland | UNC Press
2019 Pauli Murray Book Prize, African American Intellectual History Society
2019 Outstanding Book Award, American Educational Research Association
Co-winner of the 2018 Kenneth Jackson Award, Urban History Association
Honorable Mention, 2019 Liberty Legacy Foundation Award, Organization of American Historians
Honorable Mention, New Scholar's Book Award, Division F, American Educational Research Association
Design Justice: Community-Led Practices to Build Worlds We Need by Sasha Costanza-Chock | The MIT Press (two chapters)*
Dragging Away: Queer Abstraction in Contemporary Art by Lex Lancaster | manuscript (two chapters)*
Technologies of Incapacitation: US Torture Regimes and the Captive Body by Michelle Velasquez-Potts | dissertation (two chapters)*
Transforming the Elite by Michelle A. Purdy | UNC Press
New Scholar's Book Award, Division F, American Educational Research Association
2019 GHRAC Award for Excellence, Georgia Historical Records Advisory Council
Transforming Misogynoir by Moya Bailey | NYU Press (forthcoming)